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how to confident in practice english

Most of people think that english is important for our life. Yeah.. I think so. But do they know what is english? The history of the English language really started with the arrival of three Germanic tribes who invaded Britain during the 5th century AD. These tribes, the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes, crossed the North Sea from what today is Denmark and northern Germany. At that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language. But most of the Celtic speakers were pushed west and north by the invaders - mainly into what is now Wales, Scotland and Ireland. The Angles came from "Englaland" [sic] and their language was called "Englisc" - from which the words "England" and "English" are derived.
Nah, untuk indonesia sendiri, bhs'inggris mulai dikenal sejak zaman penjajahan dulu guys. Mulai dari penjajahan portugis, belanda, jepang, hingga indonesia merdeka seperti sekarang bhs.ingg masih dipakai loh :-)
Yeah, ini memang karena bhs.ingg merupakan bhs. Internasional. Tapi, kebanyakan orang indonesia masih belum bisa berkomunikasi  menggunakan bhs.inggris. kenapa ya? Padahal tahun depan kita bakalan kedatangan turis dan bule-bule loh..
Salah satu faktornya saya rasa adalah rasa takut. Takut untuk berbicara bhs.ingg, takut praktik lah, takut gagaplah, takut ini itu..
Nah, saya punya cara jitu untuk mengatasi masalah ini :)

1. playing game online

    Nah, untuk org yang hobi bgt main game online, maybe it's the right way to improve ur english. Why? Because as we know that game online used english. Basicly, i'm sure that everyone know some words in english such as start, go, end, retry, quit.. And it's really simple words. If u want to know more, u can play game online and search the meaning  in ur dictionary. It'll improve ur vocab.. :-)

2. Think that english is fun

     Yeah, i know that english subject is really hard. Especially when we studying this subject in the class.. Actually, mudah atau tidaknya tergantung yg belajar dan yg mengajarkan. Maybe, guru di sekolah anda killer, galak, judes, tegas dsb so makes u uncomfortable and scared. But if the teacher teach the student in the different way just like playing some game and many more, i think it will make the students enjoy the class. :-)  and make them feel so confident with their ability in speaking english.

So.. Semuanya kembali pada diri kita sendiri. Semangat ya untuk kalian yang sedang berjuang berbahasa inggris bersama saya.. :-)
And i'm sorry if i made any mistakes, because i'm  just a beginer :-)  thanks for coming to my blog ;)


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