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Showing posts from May, 2016


INVICTUS (Victorian Poem, By William Ernest Hanley, Inspirational poem for Mandela) Out of the night covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be for unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning of chance My head is bloody,             but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the year Find, and shall find, me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charge with punishment the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. TAK TERKALAHKAN (puisi kemerdekaan, oleh William Ernest Hanley, puisi inspirasi untuk Mandela) Di malam yang menyelimutiku, Segelap lubang yang sangat dalam, Aku bersyukur atas segala pemberianNya ‘tuk segenap jiwa yang tak tunduk. Yang jatuh dari genggamanMu ...

Desain Pembelajaran dan Pendekatan Ilmiah di Kurtilas

KURIKULUM PEMBELAJARAN Desain Pembelajaran dan Pendekatan Ilmiah di Kurtilas By Silvia Nitsuga Desain dan model pembelajaran dan endekatan ilmiah di kurikulum 2013 atau yang saat ini lebih dikenal dengan kurikulum nasional mengalami perubahan dan pengembangan dari Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pembaruan PP No. 32 tahun 2013 dari PP No. 19 tahun 2005 mengenai standar nasional pendidikan. Perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut meliputi prinsip pembelajaran, langkah-langkah pembelajaran, pendekatan ilmiah, desain pembelajaran, materi pembelajaran, serta media dan sumber belajar. Perbedaan mengenai prinsip pembelajaran yang diterapkan dalam KTSP 2006 dan KURTILAS diantaranya yaitu pendidikan yang mulanya memusatkan diri pada tenaga pendidik menjadi terpusat pada peserta didik. Hal in ilebih dikenal dengan transformasi teacher centered menjadi student centered. Perubahan ini tentu sangat berdampak pada model pembelajaran yang pada mulanya meng...

Attitude, Performance and Future

                                                                                         Attitude, Performance  a nd Future When we were child, we often see and compare the mature people. Sometimes we also imitate them, the way they act and the way they speak to another. We just saw them when they interacted each other, without knowing neither it’s good nor bad for ourselves. As a child, we just naturally did what we think interest ing . Even sometimes it may be harmful for us. Smoking for example. Several years ago, we even find the case when the 3 years boy smoking because of the environment he lived is influenced by the mature people who mostly smoking. In this case, we know that the boy is just a baby, who didn’t know what’s good or bad for himself. Smok...

Plagiarism Is Corruption

 Plagiarism Is Corruption By Fahrus Zaman Fadhly, M.Pd Wasekjen of Alumni Association of Indonesian Education University (UPI IKA) and lecturer od Kuningan University (UNIKU) In the beginning of March 2012 seems so terrible for our education. Early morning of 1st March 2012, Siliwangi was trembled. Pikiran Rakyat wrote on the first page: “Three candidates of professors of UPI is plagiarist” (Thursday, 1/3). The alumni of UPI, the Sekjen of International – Indonesia Transparency, Teten Masduki explain that “.... there’s souldn’t be a crime in the college because it could be stained  the world of education. The suspect s have to be removed . Moreover, it’s done by the professor candidates,” (Pikiran Rakyat, 2/3). This embarassing news was spre a ding in to the various social network sites immediately. This plagiarism was critisized by the most people because it destroyed the credibility of the education. Furthermore, the hundred thousands of the alumni of UPI were also...

LGBT or Terrorist: What’s More Dangerous?

LGBT o r Terroris t : What’s More  Dangerous? LGBT has been lagalized in the United States. This makes the number of the LBGT cases are arising and become large and large every single day. This is not only happen in the liberal countries such as United States or the western countries, but also in the country which the majority of the citizens are muslim such as Indonesia. This case become a polemic and controversial issue regarding the status quo that the number of LGBT is arising day by day in our country. Moreover, the number of this case is larger after the SGRC, an organization which service the consultation of the problem in the relationships, take a part in problem solving of the LGBT cases. SGRC is one of the student community in the University of Indonesia (UI) that consist of the students of UI and the other university in Jakarta. This organization is considered as an LGBT organization which supports the LGBT community in our country. In fact, it tried to solve the pr...