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Since the curriculum of 2013 or mostly known as the national curriculum has been applied in the year of 2013, there’s much more changes in the educational system. This curriculum is not only influencing the educational system that will applied in the each schools or any educational institution in Indonesia, but also it impacts into the subjects that will learned in the classroom in every single level of education. In the curriculum of 2013 (national curriculum) there’s some subjects that is omitted such as Computer science for the High School level and English for the Elementary School level. This is become a big problem for the educational system in our country since we know that the curriculum of 2013 or national curriculum is based on the computerization.
This computerization base, is using English as the language that commonly used for every single operating system in the computer.  It is very okay for the schools or any educational institutions that located in the big city which have good facilities, because it will improve their educational program into much better. This kind of schools have been accustomed to use any modern facilities in every single activities in the classrooms, such as the using of the technology of Information and computers, projectors, or any other facilities that considered as a modern technology in education. It is very different of course with the condition of the schools and the educational institution in the local areas.
The schools and the other educational institution which is located in the local area do not have any facilities as good as the schools and the other educational institutions in the big cities as well. They do not accustomed to use the modern technology such as the projectors or any modern tools because mostly they even don’t know how to use the computers in the properly ways. Just a few of them who can use it well and this people are limited, that might be just the operators or a few headmasters who know about this, especially for the elementary schools level. This case is happened because of the lack of the socialization and the information towards this problem.
The teachers of the elementary schools are mostly graduated from the special educational universities that specifically studied about how to teach the elementary student. This makes they don’t mastering English or any computer field as well because in the elementary schools these subjects are not studied. It is of course impact into the teacher understanding of the using of English and computer. Based on these problems, the application of the national curriculum will not be going well, because to apply this curriculum which based on the computerization system the teachers should be mastering English and the computer science first as well. Without this, they will found many problems in the way they apply this program.
By omitting the computer science for the High School level and English for the Elementary School level, it will become a barrier to apply this educational program. Why?
Firstly, computer is using English as the programming language. Till now, Indonesia has no production of the computer or any modern technology which use the Indonesian language as the programming language. This is because of the base of every single programs are come from the other country, which means using English as the programming language. We even don’t know how to use computers without any guide to use it. This guiding, we can make it sure, that it must be use English. This is the main reason why English shouldn’t be omitted. By maintaining English as the subject that will be learned in the elementary school, it can be he way for the teacher to more understand how to use the computers or any modern technology in the appropriate ways.
Secondly, English will be learned in the next level of education. Even though the elementary schools didn’t study about English before, but still, English will be learned in the next level of education. The big problem that might be appear is when the students are given the English subject by the teacher in the High Schools level, for example, they wouldn’t have any basic of English. It is very impossible for the teacher in high school to teach the very basic English such as alphabetic, numbers, the name of animals, fruits or the things around them. These kind of subjects should be learned since the very beginning they study, that is in elementary school. When they have known these basic of English, they just have to continue into the other materials.
We can imagine that it will be very hard and wasting time to teach the high school student the very basic English while they should study the harder material than this. So it is very good for the students to get the very basic English since they were in the elementary school. Besides they can learn the pronunciation on how the words are saying by imitating the teacher. This is only can be done by repeating what the teacher said in many times so they are accustomed to say the English words easily. The pronunciation of the teacher is become the very important thing because it would be so fatal when the teacher teach the wrong pronunciation of the word to the students. The students in the elementary school mostly 6 to 12 years old student that have a long term memory which will be remember all the things that they have learned when they are child.
Thirdly, by giving the English education to the elementary students, it could be their characteristic ability to learn the other language. The teachers in elementary schools mostly conducted many kind of contest for the elementary students level, and one of the contest is English contest. In this contest, generally the contest of  story telling or even the speech. So by this contest, the students can be channelize their passion, desire and ability of English. Besides when the students get the achievement for the contest, it will make the better reputation of the school and become the pride of the school and parents.
The next reason why English shouldn’t be omitted in the elementary school is because it is really helpful for the elementary students to mastering the other subjects when they have been mastering English well. By the collaborative learning which is related to the other subjects, not only one subject, English learning can help them to more understand the other subject, such as mathematics, and social science. Then how English can be so helpful for the other subjects for the elementary students?
Well, as we know together that English is not only studying about the language itself, but also the culture of the country that use English as their daily communication. In English, the students is not only study about the vocabularies, but also the aritmethics, social and cultures. In aritmathic, the students are learned about the counting, the terminology that commonly used in mathematic in English and so on. The terminologies are such as plus (+), minus (-), devided (/) and times (x). On the other side, the social and cultures is learned by how to speak with others in appropriate way with full of respectful and affections. The studied of social and cultures are such as the using of “please” and how to congrats or giving a compliment to someone else, and so on.
Furthermore, English help the students to apply the other science in the pronunciation such as the religion. As a Muslim, we must be have learned about the letter in Arabic or mostly known as Hijaiyyah letter. Hijaiyyah letter has similar pronunciation with English, so it can be the way for the students to make it much better rather than do not learned about this.

As the final, we can considered that English is really important for our educational program in the curriculum of 2013 or mostly known as the national curriculum because of some reasons. These reasons are it’s very good for the teacher to be mastered as the way to mastering the computer science for them. Besides that, it will really helpful for the elementary students to mastering and learning English in the next level of education. On the other hand, English has a relationship with the computerization as the base of the curriculum 2013. So, for those reasons. I do believe that English is shouldn’t be omitted from the elementary school.


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