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LGBT or Terrorist: What’s More Dangerous?

LGBT or Terrorist: What’s More  Dangerous?
LGBT has been lagalized in the United States. This makes the number of the LBGT cases are arising and become large and large every single day. This is not only happen in the liberal countries such as United States or the western countries, but also in the country which the majority of the citizens are muslim such as Indonesia. This case become a polemic and controversial issue regarding the status quo that the number of LGBT is arising day by day in our country. Moreover, the number of this case is larger after the SGRC, an organization which service the consultation of the problem in the relationships, take a part in problem solving of the LGBT cases.
SGRC is one of the student community in the University of Indonesia (UI) that consist of the students of UI and the other university in Jakarta. This organization is considered as an LGBT organization which supports the LGBT community in our country. In fact, it tried to solve the problems that usually happen in the relationship such as abusing, violence and the other problems that used to happen in the relationships. As what they do to the other cases, they’re trying to solve the LGBT cases by giving the suggestions and mental supports, in order to strengthen their mental no matter what. On the other hand, the citizens think that LGBT doesn’t deserve to get the supports.
The citizens do think that LGBT is something dangerous that should be avoided by every single people in our country. This makes they are isolated and discriminated from the society. They think that LGBT might be damage the morality of Indonesia. Meanwhile the existence of the LGBT did appear long time ago, even before it’s legalized in US. The legalizing of LGBT and same sex marriage influences the stigma of the people in Indonesia. Furthermore, they consider LGBT is the same as the terrorist, whereas they’re not.
LGBT is a personal problem as Ridwan Kamil, a Mayor of Bandung, said in his statement in Pendopo city hall, Bandung. “That’s their personal problem (LGBT), but when they’ve been publicizing their existence and trying to get supports from others, that’s abusing our moral and I’d do justice”. This shows us that LGBT is something that we don’t need to fear of, as long as they don’t harm people or trying to persuade people to be one of them. Besides, when we try to isolate them or even discriminate them, it’ll be just make it worse. Their mental health will be unbalance because of the pressures and the rejections from the society. This rejections would just make them feel unworthy, contemptible, and on eventually might lead them to do something bad such as criminality or even suicide. It’s quoted in American Journal of Public Health, March 2010 by Mark L Hatzenbuehler in his journal The Impact of Institutional Discrimination on Psychiatric Disorders in Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Populations: A Prospective Study that “Living in states with discriminatory policies may have pernicious consequences for the mental health of LGB population.”
The citizen seems too focus on LGBT cases while there’s much more dangerous problem that threat our national security, such as the terrorism action that is spreading over the world. Since the emergence of new terrorist organization in the middle-east countries such as in Syria, the terror is happen in every single countries, including Indonesia. This organization that called as ISIS, recruited the members from the other countries that has the same thought and ideology : to build the Islamic Nation.
This recruitment is not only happen in the middle east, but also in our country. This is done by the little organization that typically same as ISIS in Indonesia. They teach the deviate ideology and spread the wrong perception about Islam. Their targets are the student of high school and university. This is because we all believe that they are so much worth to our future because the world in their hand. The terrorists are going to use it to change the world. Besides they use them to get another supports from people. In addition, they also did the terror like bombing, killing people and anything else.

If we take a look to this kind of terrorism action, It’s sure that these action is much more dangerous. The terrorism actions that happened in our country have much bigger consequence to the national security. Otherwise, the citizen seems blind and know nothing about these cases rather than the LGBT cases. The attention of the public has been concerned to the LGBT case. We should determine this kind of problem soon, and this is the government’s job to let the society know what’s actually happened in our country. What should we put more attention? What’s more dangerous to our national security? What should we fear of? LGBT or Terrorist? 


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