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Technologies and the tools in the classrooms should be seen as a tool, not a methodologies. These are some situation in the classrooms where neither the students and teacher have nothing at all in terms of educational technology.

Students can be the most useful resources in the classrooms by using their thought, experiences and acting out using their body. They can be a good resources for explaining and practising the meaning by sharing : be a “living clocks” (studying about the times) using their arms and their fingers.

Realia : benda nyata
Pictures : drills (digunakan untuk melatih grammar, sentence atau practising vocab), (communication) games (digunakan untuk pelatihan menulis), understanding (untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman siswa mengenai topik pembelajaran), ornaments (gambaran visual mengenai sesuatu e.g: artikel koran), prediction (membantu siswa utk memprediksi materi), discussion.
Cards : matching and ordering (bagus untuk kinaesthetic learners), selecting (phonetics and phonology), card games (“snap” satu kelompok gambar, satu kelompok kata)
Cuisenaire rods : alternatif menggunakan batang dengan ukuran dan warna yang berbeda (colours, comparative, superlative, semantic, etc)

Benefits : membantu utk menyiapkan materi, dilengkapi dengan teks motivasi, kaset audio, menarik dengan audio dan visualnya
Restriction : guru terlalu bergantung pada slide presentasi sebagai metode utama, guru cenderung tidak kreatif. 

Ø  The board : note pad, explanation aid, picture frame, public workbook, game board, notice-board
Ø  The overhead projector (OHP)
Ø  The flip chart
Ø  Computer based presentation technology

Ø  Tape recorders
Ø  Cd players
Ø  Mp3 players
Ø  Podcast
Ø  Ipods

Ø  Dictionaries : paper dictionaries, cd-rom, electronic pocket dictionaries, online dictionaries
Ø  Concordances
Ø  Searching in the internet : using encyclopedy, webquests

Ø  Word processing, word editing
Ø  Mousepals, chat and blogging
Ø  Authoring
Ø  Designing websites


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